Monday, March 14, 2016

Saint Patrick's Day Gifts

I made these gifts for my sisters and my mom for our St. Patrick's Day getaway. 
They are really easy to make!

You just get these cute little gift boxes at the dollar store (they come 12 to a pack), and them embellish them with whatever you desire.

Inside I put chocolate mint patties and a bracelet.  Each box had a message that read, "Happy St. Patty's Day! 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Valentine's Day, 2016

Harry Potter Monster Book
Valentine's Day Box

Those are Golden Snitches (from the game of Quidditch) inside.
We made them out of Rolos. :)

We also made Twinkie Minions for the Minion Box (because L wanted to use the same box he used last year):

We used thread for the glasses.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Groundhog's Day Treat

These cuties were fun and easy to make.  I found the idea online and just ran with it.
First, you take No Bake Peanut Butter cookies and scoop them around a circular object. (I used those plastic candy canes that I had leftover from Christmas - you know, the ones filled with Reese's or other candy.)  I just cut up the candy cane tube into a few two-inch pieces, and then put the cookies around them.

Once, the cookies were hard, I took out the tubes, and viola!  You have Groundhog dirt mounds! :)
The Groundhogs were made out of tootsie rolls, and candy sprinkles.  

Under the cookies, there is another cookie with a whole in the middle to hold the mounds together.  (I just connected them with chocolate icing.) 
That makes it possible to hold the cookie and push the Groundhog up and down.

The kids loved it!!