Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween Treats

So, we have a Halloween Party every year, and I am usually (always) in charge of the treats/prizes.

This year, I decided to get creative, and I made felt candy holders.

They were really simple, and turned out very cute. So, I thought I'd share.

In order to make one of these Halloween holders all you need to do is buy a little felt, and get out your glue gun.  It's pretty much as simple as that!

I just drew a pattern for each one on a paper, and then cut out the paper and pinned it to the felt.

Next: cut the felt.

**Note: double up on the felt so that when you cut, you cut two pieces instead of one.  It makes things SO much easier!

After that, you just cut a slit in the middle of one piece of the felt. This piece will be used as the back of the candy holder.  (That's where the candy goes.)

Next:  Hot glue the pieces together around the edges, and wait for it to cool.

While you're doing that, make a design on the front by using other felt. I made faces, etc.

Finally, stuff the holder.

So fun! SO easy!

Here's the picture:

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Halloween Snacks

Okay, I'm weird.  I really, REALLY love Halloween.  So, what do I do?  I make my kids some quirky snacks and then post the photo of those snacks to the blog for others to view.  Kind of silly, but let's just roll with it.

I guess it would be helpful if I had one of those fabulous cameras that will make anything and everything look as good in a picture as it did in real life, but that's a whole other can of worms.  Ha!  Can of worms!  How fitting for this feast!

So, here's the picture!  Hopefully it will give you some inspiration for the little ones in your life as well! :)

What do we have here?

Spider crackers
Finger hot dogs AND carrots

And finally...

Olive snakes

The kids sure loved them, so I guess that spells success, right!? :)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Halloween Birthday Cake

I saw this cute idea for a cake online, and I just had to make it.  My sister had a birthday in October, and I offered to make her a cake, and what better way to celebrate than to combine two fun, festive holidays into one!?! :)

I used pretzel sticks dipped in chocolate for the legs, fondant for the feet, and icing for the skirt.

Here it is!